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Central Library

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115 South Ave
Rochester , NY 14604 United States

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July 2016

Music for Lunch in the Reading Garden

July 19, 2016 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Central Library, 115 South Ave
Rochester , NY 14604 United States

You're invited to enjoy some beautiful music, with a casual atmosphere in a pretty setting. Ad Hoc Music is counting up from a Prokofiev duo to a Malcolm Arnold Quintet, with a Bach trio, a Mozart quartet, and other delights along the way. You can find the music in the Dorris Carlson Reading Garden of the Central Library, 115 South Avenue in downtown Rochester on Tuesday July 19th from noon to 1pm* Ad Hoc Music is a flexible musical collaborative…

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October 2016

Challenging Behaviors in Dementia

October 15, 2016 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Central Library, 115 South Ave
Rochester , NY 14604 United States
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The Alzheimer's Association continues their free education series with this helpful class on dealing with challenging behaviors brought on by dementia. Changes in the brain also mean changes in behavior, such as repetitive actions, aggression, wandering, agitation, and suspicious thoughts. We will learn about possible reasons for such behaviors and how to handle these situations. This class will be held on the 3rd floor of the Bausch & Lomb public library building in the Science Division's reading room. Registration is…

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Think Genealogy It’s Saturday: Name Game

October 22, 2016 @ 10:15 am - 11:00 am
Central Library, 115 South Ave
Rochester , NY 14604 United States
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TGIS monthly genealogy series. Creativity is never more important than when researching family names. No matter how simple or complex, chances are your name has evolved from its origins. Join us as we discuss the possibilities as part of our monthly genealogy workshop series.

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