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Temple Beth El

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139 Winton Road South
Rochester, NY 14610 United States

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September 2019

YP Harry Potter Movie Marathon: The Beginning

September 19, 2019 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Temple Beth El, 139 Winton Road South
Rochester, NY 14610 United States
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Young Professionals (aged 20-35) come join us for a viewing of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone; the first part of our yearlong Harry Potter Marathon! Dress as your favorite character from the series, represent your House, or just kick it back relaxing in your fave Hogwarts robes. We will have food and drinks (alcoholic and non) on theme from the series and are open to suggestions if there's something you think we should have. We'll have a costume contest,…

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