Join us on First Friday, Sept. 6 from 6 – 9pm for the opening of two new exhibitions: “Arboresco” and “My, My, the Tiger’s Eye”! Plus, “Positive Exposures” has been extended.
“Arboresco” features work Nils Wiklund (@finestship) created during his Photography Residency. “The trees have always been here. They are here when we found the land, and when we die, we will become them,” Wiklund explains. “When we found the land, they were there, and when we die, we will become them. Trees remind us of the cycle of life and death, and the promise of rebirth. Trees stand by and watch us hustle around in our busy little lives. They exist alongside us, quietly standing by. Unshaken and unmoved.” This show will be displayed in our Suken Room Gallery until September 28.
“My, My Tiger’s Eye” showcases the creative work of graduate art students from the Rochester Institute of Technology (@rit_artdesign). This show will be displayed in our Firehouse Gallery until September 28. Featured artists include:
Madeeha Ahmad
Allen Douglas (@cryptidvisions)
Andy Foster (@andrew_foster_ceramics)
Hannah Giancola (@hannahgiancola)
Ana Joyce (@artifactsofmymindny)
Ariel Li
Marcia Yibo Liu (@marcialyb)
Jonathan Mills
Emmanuel Okechukwu (@emmanuel_okechukwu_ceramics)
Alex Paat (@alex_paat)
Bridget Provan
Basil Reid (@basilreidart)
Evan Seeling (@ecsglassdesign)
Ya’qub Shabazz (@yaqub_shabazz)
Rolanda Spencer (@rolandajwspencer)
Ruichu Yu
“Positive Exposures: Faces of Change in Niagara Falls” highlights folks striving to make a positive impact in their hometown through wet plate portraits by James Abbondanza (@nfphoto716). This show will be displayed in our Community Darkroom Gallery until September 28.
Our galleries are free and open to the public. We look forward to seeing you at 713 Monroe Ave!
Join us on First Friday, Sept. 6 from 6 – 9pm for the opening of two new exhibitions: “Arboresco” and “My, My, the Tiger’s Eye”! Plus, “Positive Exposures” has been extended.
Madeeha Ahmad
Allen Douglas (@cryptidvisions)
Andy Foster (@andrew_foster_ceramics)
Hannah Giancola (@hannahgiancola)
Ana Joyce (@artifactsofmymindny)
Ariel Li
Marcia Yibo Liu (@marcialyb)
Jonathan Mills
Emmanuel Okechukwu (@emmanuel_okechukwu_ceramics)
Alex Paat (@alex_paat)
Bridget Provan
Basil Reid (@basilreidart)
Evan Seeling (@ecsglassdesign)
Ya’qub Shabazz (@yaqub_shabazz)
Rolanda Spencer (@rolandajwspencer)
Ruichu Yu
Our galleries are free and open to the public. We look forward to seeing you at 713 Monroe Ave!
Rochester, NY 14607 United States + Google Map