Featured Organization: Northwest Bank
For over 120 years, Northwest has been a community bank—a resource to help customers make sound financial decisions as they travel down life’s path. Although we’ve grown into a network of offices in New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio, our hometown approach hasn’t changed. In the best interests of our customers, we provide caring, personalized service to help them achieve better living through better banking. Because when they succeed, we succeed.
Left to right: Maria Wehrle, of Furnished 4 Life Ministries, Anthony Lodato, Gates/Chili branch manager, Alison Valle, Gates/Chili assistant branch manager, donating toys and gifts during Christmas season for children.
In the Rochester area, we’ve given to organizations like NeighborWorks, Northeast Quadrant Advanced Life Support, Inc., Furnished 4 Life Ministries and Monroe County Sheriff’s Department, Cure Childhood Cancer Association, Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, Children Awaiting Parents and Open Door Mission. We’re proud to be involved in our community and promote the great work our local organizations do.
Todd Schirmer, Rochester area manager, Michael Aiello, commercial loan officer, President Ahmed Mustafa of NEQALS and John Klatte, Rochester team leader-commercial loan officer.
Left to right: Ted Colucci, NeighborWorks, Jennifer Hawryschuk, business banker, Erin Garrett, Webster branch manager and Joanne Panarisi-Bottone, NeighborWorks Rochester.
Northwest Bank is Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
Anthony W. Lodato, Gates-Chili Branch Manager
2113 Chili Avenue, Rochester, NY, 14624
Office: 585-663-2265