Over the past century, the Lyell-Otis neighborhood has been home to many of the skilled and hardworking citizens employed by Rochester’s industries. This neighborhood, located northwest of Center City, is full of residents dedicated to the further improvement and vitality of the community.

Accessible to downtown and the expressway system by car or transit, Lyell-Otis is also a walkable neighborhood close to the goods, services, and restaurants of Lyell Avenue, such as El Taino and Roncone’s, and the Saratoga Pharmacy. The homes are of a sturdy old stock, and many retain their historical charm with wood porches and stained glass windows.

To preserve the history of their community, a group of residents produced a DVD titled “The History of Lyell-Otis” in which aging neighbors shared their memories of the area. The Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association (LONA) also had a memorial plaque installed along Dewey Avenue which commemorates the Erie Canal workers and those who built the Rochester Subway.

The Riley Park Playground was recently rebuilt with grants from the state and city, and LONA gathered some 50 children to help with the project. Neighborhood volunteers continuously work together to improve the area for its youngest residents – cherishing the past without losing sight of the future.



Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association (LONA)

Northwest Neighborhood Service Center

Lyell Branch Library 

Edgerton R-Center

Neighborhoods are living breathing entities, which can change over time. Although we have tried to capture the essence of this area, the Coalition will be reviewing information twice a year to determine if any updates should be made. If you have suggestions for an update, please contact us and we will consider it at the next review.
