A vibrant mix of young professionals, progressives, and working class households makes the South Wedge an eclectic and creatively evolving neighborhood.  Bisected by bustling South Avenue, the Wedge offers housing options ranging from pre-Civil War cottage-style homes to condos in renovated school buildings. The South Wedge is one of Rochester’s longstanding neighborhoods, home to two preservation districts, and holds some of the oldest houses in the city as well as renovated historic multi-family housing such as the Ellwanger-Barry School, which is now condominiums. In addition it boasts some of the newest developments like Edge of the Wedge and Erie Harbor.

From the South Wedge you can easily access Center City, Monroe Avenue, the University of Rochester and Medical Center, Mt. Hope Cemetery, and the Genesee River. Just around the corner are Highland Park and Genesee Valley Park. Headquartered in the South Wedge is NeighborWorks® Rochester, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving Rochester neighbors’ quality of life through a number of different services focused on stabilizing neighborhoods and the local real estate economy.

South Avenue carries a distinctive Brooklyn vibe with thriving businesses. You can attend a concert at the historic German House; have a drink or meal at one of the many bars, restaurants, or delis along South Avenue; schmooze with neighbors at a local coffee house; shop at various boutiques; drop in on a yoga class; At the South Wedge Farmers Market you can buy local and organic to your heart’s content and catch up with the neighbors. The neighborhood also features a staffed neighborhood organization, the South Wedge Planning Committee, and the highly active Business Association of the South Wedge (BASWA). There are many annual events for entertainment, such as the South Wedge-ucation, Night of the Living Wedge, or the Real Beer Expo.

Schools include both private, Nativity Academy, and public, James P.B. Duffy School #12, in the nearby Highland Park Neighborhood. School #12 Recreation Center programs with the adjoining Highland Park Branch Library draw many area children.

The neighborhood has two regular publications, The Wedge (published by SWPC) and The South Wedge Quarterly.  Public art abounds along the sidewalks, sides of buildings, and even the streets themselves. This fresh, yet familiar neighborhood offers the best combination of historic Rochester and modern urban life. 


Neighborhood AssociationSouth Wedge Planning Committee

Business Association of the South Wedge Area (BASWA

South Clinton Merchants Association SCMA

Southeast Neighborhood Service Center

R-Center999 South Avenue

Highland Branch Library

NeighborWorks® Rochester

Neighborhoods are living breathing entities, which can change over time. Although we have tried to capture the essence of this area, the Coalition will be reviewing information twice a year to determine if any updates should be made. If you have suggestions for an update, please contact us and we will consider it at the next review.

South Wedge